Time flies.
How do most of you perceive this age old sayings?
I personally feels that time passes by very quickly.
Do you have enough time to finish what you have planned?
Or it’s never enough and all you know the next thing, its
Yet another day has gone by.
Day by day and we are now in the last 2 1/2 months of this year.
We have come a long way, since New Year.
- How many or how little have you accomplished so far?
- Have you had plans to achieve your goals? If so, are you anywhere near your path to success?
- Did you make a New Year resolution this year? If so, how far are you from your resolution?
- What have you done to change for a better?
- When is the last time you call your parents? How often have you met?
- Have you live to the fullest so far?
- Are you contented?
The definition of life contentment varies for everyone.
Even between husband and wife, like hubby and me.
Ideally, there would be 'His plan', 'Her plan' & 'Our plan'.
Hoping to fulfill personal contentment and hoping for a better future for the family as well.
We make plans for a better life, and to prepare for the worst.
But really, it’s easier to say, than plan, let alone do.
But what comes to your door step for free? You got to work on it to get it.
Ingredients you need:
Time to think
Time to plan
A Heart to do
- Everyone has 24hours a day.
- Everyone has a heart unless they are dead.
So what's stopping you?
How bad a plan could be than no plans at all?
Failing to plan is planning to fail.
This is my new motto to fulfill my dreams.
"Leave footprints that lead to tomorrow's success."
I want to look at the trails one day with no regrets, contented, dreams and goals fulfilled.
I do not want to look back down the road one day, and found my footprints lead no where.
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